Dr. Sule Philip Ivoms Ogah was born to Ogah Nweke Ongele and Orogwu Ogah on 15th July 1959 as the last male child of the family of 13 wives and 60 children in Obuegu Ohatekwe Amagu, Ikwo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State Nigeria. He was less than 6 months old when his father died. He was entrusted into the care of his elder step brother Alike Ogah. He started primary school rather late for his age in 1972. He was however, very brilliant in school and maintained first and second positions in his class
throughout his primary education. He passed common entrance examination into Ezzikwo High School Amuzu, now Ezza High School where he passed General Certificate of Education in 1982. He worked briefly in Nigeria Defence Academy as a very junior staff.
He became a muslim in 1984 and moved to Maiduguri. He tried to go to school of nursing between 1984 and 1985 without success, even as he had been taking1st place in all entrance examinations of school of nursing. The reasons advanced for not taking him into school of nursing was that he has a lymping leg which according to them will not allow him smooth handling of patients. In 1986 he gained admission into the University of Maiduguri to read diploma in Science Education, a programme he completed with distinction in 1988. He immediately went back by direct entry into the University of Maiduguri in 1989 for B.Sc. Chemistry which he completed in 1992. In 1995, Dr. S.P.I Ogah, as he is fondly called, went back to University of Maiduguri for M.SC. Analytical Chemistry and completed the programme in 1998. His quest for Education and love for university Education took him back for his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry. He completed his Ph.D. programme in 2013. Dr. S.P.I Ogah served as a Chemistry teacher and Principal of Mairi Islamic Secondary School, Maiduguri from 1991 to 2002, a job that saw him through his University education as he was working and schooling at the same time. He left Mairi Islamic Secondary School in 2002 and joint Ebonyi State University as an assistant Lecturer where rose to senior lecturer. He held various positions in the University, Community,
State and the National levels. He left Ebonyi State University in December 2015 and joined Federal University Lafia on merger of service having spent thirteen years of meritorious service with Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. Dr. S. P. I. Ogah is a widely travelled person having some major cities in the world including London Makka.
Immediately after his diploma in 1988 he got married to a beautiful girl, Mariam Ogah, precisely at the age of 30, a woman that gave him five Children, two boys and three girls.
Research Interest: Analytical/Physical
Research Publications
1. Onwu, F.K, and Ogah, S.P.I. (2010), Study of the Effect of pH on the Sorption of Cd(ii),Ni(ii), Pb(ii), and Cr(ii) from aqueous solutions by African white star applechrysophyllum albidium) shell. African journal of biotechnology volume 9 no 42, pp.7086-7093. http://www.acadmicjournals.org/ajb
2. Onwu, F.K, and Ogah, S.P.I. (2011), Adsorption of lysozyme unto silica and Polystyrene Surface in aqueous medium. African Journal of Biotechnology Volume 10, no 15 pp. 3014-3021, http://www.acadmicjournals.org/ajb
3. Onwu, F.K, Ogah S.P.I. and Ngele, S.O. (2013), Bio sorption of Cadmium (ii) ion fromaqueous solution by Afzelia Africana. African Journal of Biotechnology Volume12(32), pp. 5060-5068. http://www.acadmicjournals.org/ajb
4. Ogbuanu, C.C, Ehiri, R,C and Ogah S.P.I, (2013), Phytochemical screening and preliminary TLC characterization of Alkaloids in Sabicea brevies root. Research Journal of Phytochemistry 8 (1): pp1-8.
5. Ikelle Issie Ikelle and Ogah Sule Philip Ivoms, (2014), Determination of the heating ability of coal and corn cob briquettes. iosr journal of applied chemistry. volume 7. issue 2 ver. 1. (mar-apr.2014), pp77-82.
6. Ikelle Issie Ikelle, Anyigor Chukwuma and Ogah Sule Philip Ivoms, (2014), The characterization of the heating properties of briquettes of coal and rice husk. iosr journal of applied chemistry. volume7, issue 5ver.ii. (May, 2014), pp 100-105. www.iosrjournals.org.
7. Anusiem, A.C.I, Onwu, F.K, and Ogah S.P.I. (2010). Adsorption isotherm Studies of Ni(ii), Cd(ii) and Pb(ii) ions from aqueous solutions by African white star apple (Chrysophyllum albidium) shell. International Journal of Chemistry Volume 20, 4. pp 265-274
8. Onwu, F.K, and Ogah, S.P.I. Investigation of metal binding in African white star apple(Chrysophyllum Albidium) shell through Chemical modification of some functional group. International Journal of Chemistry, Volume 21, no 2. (2011), 135-140.
9. Samuel N., Ogah S. P. I., Obike A., Igwe J. C. and Ogbonna I. V. (2015)Investigationof the Inhibitory action of Brachystegia eurycoma (achi) seed extracts on thecorrosion of mild steel in 2M HCl by method of weight loss. International Journal of Scientific Research and Education, Vol.3, issue 6, pages, 3744-3753, june 2015
10.Onwu, F.K, and Ogah S.P.I. (2010), Effect of temperature on the adsorption of Cd(ii), Ni(ii), and Pb(ii) from aqueous Solution by African white star apple (Chrysophyllum albidium) shell. International Journal of bioscience, Volume 5, NO 2. pp 89-93
11. Idenyi, N.E, Ogah, S.P.I, and Mbazor, J.C. (2010) Corrosion Behaviour Al-Mn binary alloy systems in Selected environment. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. volumes 5, no 1. pp 37-42
12. Idenyi, N.E, Ngele, S.O, Ogah, S.P.I, and Onoh, P.N, (2010) Corrosion Characteristics of aluminium-manganese alloys in salinated vegetable extract (bitterleaf) environment. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials engineering Volume 5 no 2. pp 30-34
13. Samuel .N, Anyigor, C.M and Ogah S.P.I. (2013), Coal gasification a road-map for Power generation: a review American journal of scientific and industrial research pp. 420-428. http://www.scihub.org/AJB.
14. Onyeyili, P.A, Ogugbuaja,V.O, and Ogah S.P.I, (2000) Aluminium Residues in the Tissue of Intravenously and Orally treated rabbits. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Volume 2, number 1. pp. 14-18.
15.Ogbuanu*,C.C, Ehiri R.C. Ogah S.P.I. and Nwagu L.N. (2014) Isolation and Partial Characterization of Steroids in Sabicea brevipes root African Journal of Sciences 15 (1):3459-3469.
16. R.A. Chikwenze1 , P.A. Nwofe, P.E. Agbo2, D.A. Famuyibo2, A.E. Umahi2 ,S.O.Ngele3, S.P.I. Ogah3 (2015), Annealing effects and film thickness dependence of cobalt Selenide thin films grown by the Chemical bath deposition method. iosr journal of electronics and communication engineering, volume 10, issue 5, ver. ii (SEPT-OCT.2015)PP 19-24. www.isorjournals.org
17. S. P. I. Ogah and I. I. Ikelle (2015), The determination of the amount of some heavy metals in edible clay of Enyigba village in Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Nigeria.Scholars Research Library, Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7(11):264-267 (http://derpharmachemica.com/archive.html)
18. S. P. I. Ogah and I. I. Ikelle (2015) The analysis of the kidney and blood of rabbits for some metals following the administration of edible clay. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 7(11):406-410. Available online www.jocpr.com
19. S. P. I. Ogah, I. I. Ikelle, S. O. Ngele and N. I. Elom ( 2015), Comparative study of the brain and heart of rabbits after administration of edible clay for heavy metals. Scholars Research Library, Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7(12):258-263 (http://derpharmachemica.com/archive.html)
20. F. S. Nworie, F. I. Nwabue, W. J. O. Oti, S. P. I. Ogah and S. Eluu(2015) Equilibra of Fe(II) and Fe(III) Solvent Extraction from Nitric Acid withBis(saliclidene) ethylenediamine. International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 10(3):1-8, 2016, Article no.IRJPAC.20005. SCIENCEDOMAIN international. www.sciencedomain.org